Social Network In-stream Payments
Monetize your Social Network Platform.
Sell products and collect payments in-stream across social network instantly and reach out to fans, friends and followers through social media.
Just Snip Through!
How it Works?Video
Create your Social Network In-stream Payments (S.N.I.P.) Campaign through the CCAvenue M.A.R.S. dashboard
Create your 'Social Network In-stream Payments' (S.N.I.P.) Campaign through the CCAvenue M.A.R.S. dashboard
Choose your Social Media Channels and publish the S.N.I.P. Campaign with your product / service / offer details
Your customers get a single-click access to the CCAvenue mobile-friendly payments page
Not just Social Media CCAvenue S.N.I.P.™ works
for offline media too!
QR Code
  • Create the QR Code
    Create and download the QR code from your CCAvenue M.A.R.S. account.
  • Publish the QR Code
    Print the QR Code in newspapers, magazines, posters and other print communications.
  • Collect Payments Instantly
    Your customers simply scan the QR code on their mobile phones and proceed to the CCAvenue mobile-friendly payments page.